Friday, November 20, 2009

Farewell to Gay Sydney--For Now

Sydney, Australia
Richard Ammon, GlobalGayz
November 21, 2009

Saying good-by to this remarkably intelligent city is tinged with sadness for me. For a gay person to live or visit, it doesn't get much better than here.

The LGBT community is vitally alive in virtually every fabric of daily life, from the highest reaches of government (gay deputy mayor) to the frenetic dance clubs on Oxford Street to the highly visible HIV-prevention campaign of ACON to the presence of former high court justice Micheal Kirby launching a country-wide outreach program for LGBT Alzheimer's patients. A recent guest in town, hosted by ACON, was the 'gay prince' Manvendra from India who held various forums in several cities including Sydney to present his work at home on behalf of his fellow LGBT citizens in Gujurat state.

There are organizations for religious, sports, political, artistic and countless other lifestyle interests. Sex is an undercurrent that infuses life here and it is not a nightshade issue. There are legal gay sex clubs here for that specific purpose. Instead of hiding carnal desire underground or into risky places the club owners--and the authorities--have created these safe and acknowledging venues where condoms and conversation are available along with up-to-date information for the newly out guy and about HIV and safer sex.

This harbor city is blessed with one of the world's most beautiful coastal terrains of bluffs and beaches that stretch for miles, each with a village with food shops and promenades for strolling under palm trees along the azure blue waters--with the usual fine lifeguards.

It's a place any LGBT person could live peacefully, safely and within a rich community spirit.

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